1950-55 1955 1956-57 1957-62 1962-65
1950-55 - Vigot-Bilstein jack
length: ?
body finish: Flat black
head: marked with "Bilstein", "Vigot", "DRP 520996 u.a."
base: no markings
lifting peg: fixed, angled downward, hollow sides, sharp transition. (different then VW versions that were horizontal. Also look at photo comparing differences from 1950 - 1952)
Note: was used together with the Hazet 772/2 lug wrench included in the tool kit. Turning the 19mm bolt head at the top of the jack either direction caused the peg to move up and down the body of the jack.
1950 - Base
length of shaft: 18 3/8"
shaft finish: shiny
base: marked "Bilstein Vigot DRP 520996 UA"
lifting peg: hollow sides, sharp transition
1951-55 - Base
1956 - 57
length of shaft: 20 3/8" (rarely 18 3/8")
shaft finish: shiny
base: some marked "Bilstein Vigot DRP 520996 UA", some only "Bilstein"
lifting peg: hollow sides, curved transition
1950, 51, 52 differences
note: 1950-1951 lifting peg is different
WKD 460 020 ∙ September 1957 Edition ∙
Reprint March 1964 ∙ Printed in Germany
1957 - 62
length of shaft: 20 3/8"
shaft finish: shiny
base: marked "Bilstein"
lifting peg: hollow sides, divided by reinforcement
1962 - 65
length of shaft: 20 3/8"
shaft finish: Parkerized
base: marked "Bilstein"
lifting peg: hollow sides on ends only