We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments. Please feel free to discuss what you like or do not like about the website, what you would like to see changed. There are several Admins for this website, I am not the sole owner. If there are any mistakes or corrections you would like to see made, please let us know. If there are any photos that belong to you, and you would like credit or you would like the photo removed, please send us an email with a snapshot of the photo, and we will do our best to remove it in a timely fashion. In most cases, the photos are "placeholders" until we get a chance to take better photos of tools we have in our possession. Our first concern was with the content and layout, we will be focusing on making all edits to pages in the future.
We will be adding a "Wanted" and, "Tool Discussion" sections soon.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this site!!